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#  Long-term variation in growth of Orbicella in association with variation in Symbiodinium genotypes
#  PI: Peter J. Edmunds
#  Version: 2018-11-26
Year  Quad_1_Lobe_1  Quad_1_Lobe_3  Quad_1_Lobe_6  Quad_1_Lobe_7  Quad_1_Lobe_8  Quad_1_Lobe_12  Quad_1_Lobe_17  Quad_1_Lobe_20  Quad_2_Lobe_1  Quad_2_Lobe_3  Quad_2_Lobe_5  Quad_2_Lobe_7  Overall_coral_cover_Mean  Overall_coral_cover_SE  TEMP_Mean  TEMP_SE  TEMP_Max  TEMP_Min  TEMP_1st_QTILW  TEMP_4th_Qtile  
1994  53.7           122.8          48.2           84.6           49.5           122.8           79.8            46.9            21.9           270.4          137.4          99.3           39.8                      3.2                     27.4       0        29        25.6      26.5            28.2            
1995  61.3           119.6          41.3           92.9           41.7           144.3           nd              31.4            19.5           250.3          123            87.4           38.9                      2.2                     27.8       0.1      29.7      25.8      26.7            28.7            
1996  59.2           115.3          44.9           95.4           43.9           129.7           74.7            33.5            20.9           248.1          122.8          78.4           39.6                      3.2                     27.3       0.1      28.9      25.5      26.5            28.3            
1997  61.7           110.3          48.9           58.3           45.7           141.8           nd              37.1            19.9           219.9          107.6          72.9           41.7                      2.6                     27.8       0.1      29.5      25.3      26.4            28.9            
1998  73.5           114.9          44             51             48.1           149             nd              40.3            17.7           nd             113            nd             43.4                      2.7                     28.2       0.1      29.8      26.3      27              29.2            
1999  72             123.5          47.2           49.7           45.1           115.8           87.1            34              22.4           nd             113.5          69.4           43.5                      2.9                     28         0.1      30.3      25.2      26.7            29.2            
2000  63             109.1          53.6           53.4           52.3           152.1           nd              37.2            27.7           nd             108.3          80.4           43.1                      3.1                     27.5       0.1      29.5      25.1      26.3            28.7            
2001  67.9           116.1          57.7           57.1           56.7           152.5           75.4            28.6            36             264.9          160.1          nd             43.8                      2.8                     27.7       0.1      29.6      25.8      26.8            28.6            
2002  66.9           116.7          54.3           nd             nd             148.9           63.6            43.1            38.6           248.8          168.5          nd             48.8                      2.9                     27.7       0.1      29.4      25.6      26.7            28.8            
2003  69.8           133.7          63.6           69.2           60             128.7           77.8            41.5            34.6           239.6          172.8          59             47.6                      2.8                     28         0.1      29.9      26.2      27.1            29              
2004  64.9           100.7          43             61.7           50.3           112.9           51.8            30.4            25.6           176.9          178.3          nd             40.8                      2.7                     27.7       0.1      29.5      25.7      26.8            28.6            
2005  61.7           101.5          50.8           51.4           56.4           149.2           91.6            35.3            32             174.1          198.3          nd             42                        2.6                     28.2       0.1      30.6      25.1      26.8            29.5            
2006  33.8           71.4           52.1           31.8           55.3           73.8            60              28.2            44.2           100            118.9          nd             34.5                      2.4                     28         0.1      30        25.7      27              28.9            
2007  21.5           60.3           64.9           nd             63.2           68.2            47.2            29.9            29             nd             42.1           25             27.3                      2.3                     28         0.1      31.8      26.2      26.9            29              
2008  11.7           66.6           52.7           49.6           58.5           67.6            27.9            39.4            29.8           73.9           48.7           24             34.9                      2.4                     27.4       0.1      29.7      25.3      26.1            28.6            
2009  12.6           62.1           49.9           nd             57.7           64.2            36.3            28.7            37             56             59.3           19             30.7                      2.3                     27.6       0.1      29.4      24.8      26.1            28.8